ODOT to begin curb ramp project next year in Grant County

By on Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

JOHN DAY – Sidewalks along state highways within the different cities in Grant County will receive $9.4 million-dollars-worth of curb ramp upgrades, to comply with American Disabilities Act standards. Work is set to begin in 2023, and ODOT’s Region 5 Public Affairs Specialist Vicki Moles was recently on KJDY’s Coffee Time explaining the project:

“In 2017, ODOT began work to bring over 25,000 curb ramps into compliance with the American Disabilities Act standards. [There’s} a lot of work going on throughout the state, it’s not just John Day, or Grant County or this area—it’s everybody. ”

Below is information provided by ODOT regarding the work to be done within each Grant County city:

(Information provided by Oregon Dept. of Transportation)

Grant County Curb Ramps

Design Phase

Region 5: Eastern Oregon (Canyon City, Dayville, John Day, Long Creek, Mount Vernon, Prairie City, Grant)

Upgrade curb ramps in Canyon City, Dayville, John Day, Long Creek, Mount Vernon and Prairie City to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.​


Traffic Impact

​None at this time. Construction is anticipated to start summer 2023.​

Construction Impacts

​Access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will be available and identified through or around work zones.

Travelers may see lane and/or shoulder closures and flaggers.

More details will be provided prior to construction.

Meetings and Events

​We are in the process of scheduling meetings with city councils and will extend invitations to the local communities. More advertising will be done prior to each city’s meeting.

  • Canyon City: Tuesday, October 18, 5:30 at the Community Hall.
  • Dayville: Wednesday, October 12, 7 p.m.
  • John Day: Tuesday, October 25 – City Council mtg., 5 p.m.; Town Hall, 6-7:30 p.m.
  • Long Creek: Thursday, October 13, 6 p.m.
  • Mt. Vernon: not yet scheduled.
  • Prairie City: project staff attended the city council meeting August 10, 2022.


​Design 2022-2023.

Project bids March 2023.

Construction 2023.



​This project will upgrade curb ramps in Grant County cities to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.

Visit the ODOT ADA webpage for more information about the statewide effort to upgrade curb ramps throughout Oregon. https://www.oregon.gov/odot/About/Pages/ADA.aspx.


Multiple |

​Canyon City (click here for map)

  • U.S. 395 (John Day-Burns Highway): from Inland Street, milepost 1.13, to Adam Road, milepost 2.32.

Dayville (click here for map)

  • U.S. 26: (John Day Highway): from School House Drive, milepost 131.01, to South Forth Road, milepost 131.14.

John Day

Long Creek (click here for map)

  • OR 402 (Kimberly-Long Creek Highway): from end of sidewalk on north side of Main Street, milepost 34.62, to U.S. 395, milepost 34.88.
  • U.S. 395 (Pendleton-John Day Highway): at intersection with OR 402/Main Street, milepost 90.26.

Mount Vernon (click here for map)

  • U.S. 26 (John Day Highway): from Highlan Drive, milepost 153.97, to Cottonwood Street, milepost 154.10.

Prairie City (click here for map)

  • U.S. 26 (John Day Highway): from Johnson Avenue, milepost 175.09, to Buchanan Avenue, milepost 175.58.
    • ​Prairie City will also receive a rapid flashing beacon at crossing from Bridge Street to McHaley Avenue.

Cost and Funding

The current project estimate is ​$9.4 million.


​Design consultant | HDR Engineering, Inc.​