October is Pedestrian Safety Month, ODOT offers tips to stay safe

By on Monday, October 11th, 2021 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

BAKER COUNTY – October is Pedestrian Safety Month, and the Oregon Department of Transportation has some tips for both drivers and pedestrians to be aware of to help stay safe. 

Tips for Drivers

  • Stay alert and eliminate distractions such as cell phones so you can focus on driving.
  • Always have an eye out for pedestrians, especially during dark hours or times of low visibility such as when it is raining. Remember, road conditions can impact your stopping ability, so be prepared.
  • Slow down when you are entering a popular pedestrian and in rainy weather and low-light areas.
  • Be prepared to stop when approaching crosswalks. And never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk.
  • Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Being impaired affects your judgement and reaction time.

Tips for Pedestrians

  • Stay alert and ditch the distractions: Keep your eyes and ears open and ditch the distractions like texting, talking on the cell phone, or listening to headphones.
  • Cross with caution and cross at corners: Don’t assume the coast is clear just because you’re using the crosswalk and the WALK sign is on. Continue to watch for traffic as you cross the street—especially for turning vehicles.
  • Be clear to drivers: If you wish to cross the street, be sure to establish eye contact with drivers. If you’re not sure the driver sees you, let the vehicle go first.
  • Be visible: Do what you can to be seen. If you’re wearing dark clothing, drivers may not see you. Wear bright clothing (even white clothing may not be visible at night). Add reflective material or a blinking light to your jacket or backpack or carry a flashlight at night. Be extra careful when walking during dusk or early in the morning.
  • Use sidewalks when you can. If there’s no sidewalk walk facing traffic.
  • Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways or backing up in parking lots.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking. They impair your abilities and judgement.

For more information on ODOT’s Pedestrian and Bicycle program visit www.Oregonwalkbike.org.