New CHD Outreach Center opening a new location in La Grande

By on Monday, June 17th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – Center for Human Development Inc., (CHD) is excited to announce that the CHD peer outreach facility, “The Outreach Center” will be moving to a new location.

Starting June 20th our new location will be 2108 Island Ave. The building previously contained the “Nugget CBD” shop.

The new Outreach Center at 2108 Island Avenue will start operation on June 20th, 2024. The previous location at 2206 Jefferson will end operations during the same week. 

There is an urgent need to help people engage in recovery from addiction and to increase mental health and wellness in our community. The CHD Outreach Center is a drug and alcohol-free place where individuals may become healthier and regain their independence from chemical dependency. It is a safe and welcoming environment for individuals to receive support and education about recovery from chemical dependency. Developed in 2023, the  CHD Outreach Center has proven effective in breaking barriers and supporting individuals to make decisions to engage in recovery services. “The additional space of the larger building on  Island Avenue is very exciting” Said Brooke Taylor, Substance Use Disorder Treatment  Coordinator with CHD. “The new location will allow us to offer more peer services such as recovery meeting groups. It will allow us to increase our outreach to more people, and to help more people overcome barriers to treating addiction. 

Services Available at the Outreach Center Include:

• Building Recovery Capital. Recovery Mentors motivate guests to create healthy support networks, establishing a foundation of recovery and access information on resources for long-term success.

• Community Outreach: based out of the Outreach Center, Recovery Mentors conduct routine outreach throughout our community. Direct contact to people that may be struggling with addiction to provide education about treatment, develop motivation for receiving services, access to harm reduction supplies, enrollment in OHP, and referrals for meeting basic needs.

• Hosting peer support meetings and groups such as: SMART Recovery, 12-step, and other recovery-based peer support groups.

• Computer access & help with job search and applying for work.

• Narcan, STI take-home kits, contraceptives distribution and periodic services from  Public Health.

CHD looks forward to continuing operation of a welcoming and safe place for people to  connect with Recovery Mentors that have shared lived experiences. 

One former visitor of the Outreach Center shared a testimonial (name has been removed): 

“My life before getting connected to the outreach center consisted of drug use on a  daily basis. I was living at a friend’s house, and was in the process of being kicked out  due to my using. I was unable to find stable housing, living out of my truck. I heard about the outreach center from a friend. My curiosity got the best of me, and desperate for change I decided to walk in to the outreach center to see what it was about. I visited  the outreach center a few times. They had information about a plethora of community  resources. Including food banks, warming station, housing applications, STD testing,  intake paperwork for services at CHD for substance use disorder and mental health  treatment, and a computer to fill out job applications and build resumes!!! I was  overwhelmed with the amount of support there was available. The goal is simple.,  “Plant seeds until I was ready to make a change.” The peers at the outreach center  have lived experience with addiction! It was incredible easy to connect with the peers  at the outreach center. I never once felt judged for my current life choices. They were  knowledgeable in many aspects, and passionate to be there. It didn’t seem like this was  their job. Just normal people ready and able to help. After coming a few times, I finally  took the next step and enrolled in SUD treatment at CHD. My friend was enrolled in  services, and was trying his hardest to get me enrolled as well. I saw how far he had  come, and the quality of life he had obtained, and I came to the realization I wanted to  change my life, and get clean. I enrolled in services at CHD, and started doing  individual therapy, Group therapy, Peer services, and random urinalysis. I also applied  to live at the sober living house, and have been living there for 9 months. I am gainfully  employed and have over 9 months clean. Which is the longest I have ever been clean  my entire life. I have found stability, and a new found love for life. I started attending  church, and have set forth goals for myself that I keep achieving. I am able to drive,  and have insurance on my truck!!! Which is huge. I am happy where I am at in life, and  don’t ever want to go back to using again. CHD, and the resources they offer made the  transition from active addictions to getting my [life] together easier. It eliminates the  barriers I had to overcome to get a shot at living a clean life. The lived experience  piece CHD has to offer was the greatest asset.”

The Outreach Center is open Monday-Friday noon-4:00pm. Funding is provided by Oregon  Health Authority’s Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN) funding. 

For more information contact Brooke Taylor, Substance Use Disorder Treatment Coordinator  at 541-962-8882.