Multiple Grants and Projects Approved for Union County

UNION COUNTY โ€“ At the Union County Commission Meeting on June 7, various grants, contracts, and funding opportunities were approved, greenlighting and extending services for The County. The following are some of the projects that were approved:

  • OSU Intergovernmental Agreement โ€“ 4-H & Extension Services
    • Extends from July 1, 2023, to July 30th, 2028.
  • Blue Mountain Community College Contract out of District Agreement
    • Approves a 2022-2023 retroactive contract with BMCC that was previously placed on hold.
  • Grant Agreement 35503 ODOT OTD 5310
    • Provides $179,384 in public transportation funds.
    • County can enter into a sub agreement with Community Connections to provide additional transportation for seniors and persons with disabilities.
  • BPGC (Buffalo Peeks Golf Course) Greens Mower Purchase Authorization
    • Provides approximately $25,000 for a used mower from Pacific Golf and Turf.
  • Resolution 2023-08: Unanticipated Grant Funds
    • $80,000 Estate Homeland Security Grant (night vision gear for the Sheriffโ€™s office)
    • $10,000 Grant from Wildhorse for swift water search and rescue equipment.