Mojonnier Road is on the agenda

By on Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

COLLEGE PLACE – The College Place City Council will consider the proposed cross section for Southwest Mojonnier Road at its meeting tonight at 7.  The city is pursuing several grant sources to reconstruct the road between College Avenue and Bluvue Lane.

The various grant agencies on the federal and state level want to see the cross section of the proposed project before they award grant funding. The proposed cross section would accommodate two six-foot sidewalks, two eight-foot bike lanes, two 12-foot travel lanes, and an 11-foot center turn lane for a grand total of 63 feet.

The city was awarded pass-through federal funds through the Walla Walla Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization for 100 percent of the engineering and land acquisition, which is scheduled to take place, this fall.

The council will also consider a resolution accepting and authorizing either Mayor Norma Hernandez or City Manager Mike Rizzitiello to sign the AARP Community Challenge Grant memorandum of understanding. The city has been awarded an AARP grant for $18,350 to install wireless high-speed internet at Lions Park, Kiwanis Park, Veterans Park and the municipal campus area on College Avenue.

Through a partnership with PocketiNet, fiber would be extended to each site at no cost to the city. Furthermore, PocketiNet would discount the cost to run the services within each site and install hotspots.

The meeting is streamed on the city’s YouTube Channel. It is also available on Zoom. The ID number is 965 5683 7207.

MYCB photo by Dan Thesman