Minimal Environmental Impact Following Truck Crash and Fuel Spill Near La Grande

By on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – On Tuesday, August 22, a commercial motor vehicle crashed on I-84 Westbound near Exit 259, west of La Grande. The crash resulted in a several hour-long closure and environmental cleanup due to fuel leaking from the truck. ODOT has since provided additional information on the fuel spill and the known environmental impact.

According to ODOT region 5 Public Information Officer Tom Strandberg, approximately 120 gallons of diesel were spilled from the truck during the crash. Due to a quick response by hazmat and cleanup crews, the majority of this fuel was contained to the Westbound righthand shoulder prior to full cleanup. Strandberg did note that an indeterminate, but minimal, amount of fuel may have entered nearby storm drains the flow into the Grande Ronde River. However, crews did not report seeing a fuel sheen on the water’s surface during cleanup and recovery.

In the meantime, the area is continuing to be monitored for contamination and environmental impacts. If deemed necessary, crews may remove materials (gravel, dirt, etc.) that have been contaminated with diesel for full disposal and replacement with fresh material.