Michelle Yunker Named Harney Regional Teacher of the Year

HARNEY COUNTY-The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), in partnership with the Oregon Lottery, will announce Michelle Yunker as one of Oregon’s 18 2024-25 Regional Teachers of the Year! Yunker teaches Pre-K at the Harney County Early Childhood Center in Burns.

Media members are invited to the surprise announcement at the Harney County Early Childhood Center on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 3:30 p.m., when Yunker will be honored at an assembly after school for all staff.

Every day in Oregon classrooms, teachers offer their innovation, energy and content mastery in support of students across the state. The Oregon Teacher of the Year Program recognizes and honors teacher excellence, with the state Teacher of the Year serving as the face and voice of exemplary educators across Oregon. Candidates for Oregon Teacher of the Year are exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled licensed public school educators in grades pre-K-12.

As stated in her nomination, “One measurement that cannot be recorded, documented or tracked is her uncanny ability to be relational with both the students and the parents. She faced some challenging transitions and challenging students and yet she has the same goal; love the child, be the light in the short moment of their life, and prepare the children for the best educational step.” 

Regional Teachers of the Year are nominated by students, colleagues, administrators, friends or family members. Regional winners were identified through a local nomination, application and selection process facilitated by the 19 Education Service Districts around the state. Applicants submitted testimonials and letters of support and were assessed by a diverse panel of regional representatives on the attributes of leadership, instructional expertise, commitment to equity, community involvement, understanding of educational issues, vision and professional development. 

“Now more than ever, we need powerful educators like these,” said Director of the Oregon Department of Education Dr. Charlene Williams. “Each Regional Teacher of the Year has earned this recognition because they champion every student, uplifting and empowering them to achieve, to create, and to feel a sense of belonging not only in the classroom, but in the wider world, as well. Students and families in Oregon are fortunate to have teachers like these whose inspiring contributions create lasting impacts that ripple out into their communities and beyond.” 

Each Regional Teacher of the Year wins a $1,000 cash prize and is in the running for Oregon’s 2024-25 Oregon Teacher of the Year – to be announced in October.* 

Since 1995, when the Oregon Lottery began allocating revenue to public education, more than $10 billion has been transferred to school districts across the state. This past year, $600,000 of Oregon Lottery funding went to the Harney School District, and more than $1.7 million went to Harney County. 

“These exceptional teachers inspire and encourage students every day in classrooms across Oregon,” said Oregon Lottery Director Mike Wells. “We are proud to honor their contributions and vital role in making our communities stronger.” 

On Friday, September 20, 2024, once all 18 Regional Teachers of the Year are announced, the full list of statewide winners will be available on the Oregon Teacher of the Year website. Do you know an outstanding teacher? Please nominate them as the 2025-26 Oregon Teacher of the Year by visiting oregonteacheroftheyear.org.

Shortly following the event, photos from the regional surprise announcement for Yunker will
be available HERE.

*Thanks to ODE’s partnership with the Oregon Lottery, the 2024-25 Oregon Teacher of the Year will receive a $10,000 cash prize (with an additional $5,000 going to their school) and serves as a spokesperson and representative for all Oregon teachers.