Meet Walla Walla’s newest K9

By on Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA โ€“ The Walla Walla Police Foundation has raised $20,000, thanks to donations from many supporters, to fund a new Walla Walla Police Department K9 officer. That will enable K9 Farel, 10, to retire from active duty.

The new puppy is being trained in Iowa. WWPD Public Information Officer Sgt. Gunner Fulmer said the department will provide progress reports with photos and videos as the good boy grows into his new duties.

While Farel will retire to a leisurely life at the home of his handler, Officer Travis Goodwin, the new pup will also be handled by Goodwin. He will be going to Iowa in the fall to train with the new recruit and bring him home.

Main photo: The unnamed new K9 for WWPD

Secondary photo: At the check presentation from the Walla Walla Police Foundation for the new puppy are, from left to right, Sgt. Eric Knudson, Capt. Chris Buttice, Handler Travis Goodwin, Farel, Chief Scott Bieber, and Officer Nat Small.