Malheur Co. SAR and Ontario Rural Fire water rescue

By on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

ONTARIO – (Release from Ontario Fire and Rescue) At approximately 18:03 on February 25, 2025, Ontario Rural Fire Protection District (ORFPD) was contacted by Malheur County Dispatch regarding two adults and a dog that were trapped by flood waters at 1201 NW 36th Street in Ontario, Oregon. Ontario Rescue 1 responded with a crew of two and Ontario 105 (command) responded shortly after to assess the situation. Malheur County Sheriff’s office had a deputy on scene as well who had made contact with the two adults inside the residence via cell phone. It was confirmed that it was not an option to walk in to assist the residents out on foot due to swift water and areas of unknown water depth around the residence. Malheur County Sherriff’s Office contacted the Malheur County Search and Rescue Team to respond to the incident site. ORFPD paged in a crew of four additional firefighters, a rescue raft, and life jackets. An ambulance from Treasure Valley Paramedics was also requested to stage in the area during the rescue. Using a new rescue raft purchased with funds raised by the Ontario Volunteer Firefighters Association (OVFA), two firefighters were able to make access to the residents and their dog, Buddy, and bring them safely to dry ground on NW 36th Street on the rescue raft. The residents and Buddy were in good spirits and were not injured during the rescue. Using burnout funds raised by the OVFA, the residents and Buddy were set up in a hotel room in Ontario for the night. The American Red Cross has been contacted and will assist the residents with additional needs.

Photo: Firefighters Brett Leavitt and Eddie Mendoza taking the raft to the residence.