John Day River split into two regulation sections

GRANT COUNTY – Irrigators along the main stem of the John Day River have some special instructions to follow, depending on their location. According to a release from District 4 Watermaster Eric Julsrud there are two different priority dates set for the John Day River. Find the full release below:

(Press Release from District 4 Watermaster Eric Julsrud)

This year is presenting some challenges in regulation. Due to the unique situation we are facing, the John Day River from its headwaters to the confluence of the South Fork John Day River HAS BEEN SPLIT INTO TWO SEPARATE REGULATION SECTIONS.

The John Day River from the headwaters to the “Boyce Ditch” is now regulated to a priority of 1900.

(The “Boyce Ditch” is located just downstream of Moon Creek Road below Mt. Vernon)

The John Day River from the “Boyce Ditch” to the confluence of the South Fork John Day River is regulated to 1983 priority.

This situation is likely to change rapidly as continued hot and dry weather continues.

I appreciate your assistance in spreading the word as you can.

As a side note: I do now have a regulation status webpage available for folks. I have the link posted on my office door if folks are interested in using this webpage to track the priority date changes. As always, if there are questions I can be reached @ 541-620-0447 (work cell) anytime.

Find the link below to the current water restrictions/priority dates for Grant County: