LGSD Public Notice: Emergency Response Notification 5/5/23

LA GRANDE — (Release from the La Grande School District) Today, at 1:55 p.m., staff and students reported seeing individuals in masks with guns on the La Grande High School track. La Grande High School Administration was notified and Central Elementary, La Grande High School, and La Grande Middle School immediately went into an emergency Lock Out and contacted 911. Law enforcement officers were immediately dispatched to the scene. Law enforcement made contact with four students matching the description of the initial report to 911. It was quickly determined that the individuals did not have real weapons, criminal intent, and did not pose a credible threat to students, staff, or the community. Per established protocols, law enforcement and school officials worked collaboratively to quickly address the situation.

At 2:08pm, school district officials were notified by law enforcement that campuses were safe to resume normal operations. District officials contacted schools and gave the “All Clear” command and all three locations were restored to normal operations.

The district will continue to work to address any negative impacts that have resulted from this incident.


George Mendoza Gary Bell

LGSD Superintendent Chief of Police, La Grande Police Department