LGPD Celebrate Officer Donovan Gonzalez’s graduation from Oregon Basic Police Academy

LA GRANDE – On Friday, March 29, the La Grande Police Department announced that Officer Donovan Gonzalez officially graduated from the Oregon Basic Police Academy, in Salem. The 16 week program, as written by the LGPD, “quips officers with essential skills across various disciplines crucial for effective patrol work. From classroom instruction to hands-on scenario-based training, Officer Gonzalez has demonstrated dedication and proficiency throughout his journey.’

With the completion of the academy program, Officer Gonzalez is next headed for a 3–4-month field training program to receive crucial on-the-job training and in-field experience before taking up solo patrol duties. As best put by the LGDP:

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Officer Gonzalez on this remarkable achievement. Your commitment to serving and protecting our community is truly commendable. We couldn’t be more excited for your return to LGPD, ready to make a positive impact. Well done, Officer Gonzalez!”