Law enforcement patrols for safe holidays

By on Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – Umatilla County Sheriff’s deputies are already running increased patrols during the holidays, as are other agencies throughout the United States. They are on the lookout for distracted drivers and those who are driving under the influence of intoxicants.

Sheriff Terry Rowan has a short answer to those who think that the worst that could happen to them is getting a ticket for drunk driving.

“In reality, the worst thing that can happen is that you could kill yourself or someone else,” he said.

In addition, he added that a ticket for DUII is not the same as a traffic citation for running a stop sign.

“Being arrested for drunk driving is north of $10,000 to defend yourself,” he said. “People lose their licenses for a period of time. In terms of getting to and from work it has that impact.

UCSO is not alone. Additional patrols are planned by Oregon State Police, Idaho State Police and other law enforcement agencies. The goal isn’t to write tickets. Rowan said it’s to keep people safe. “We’re out there throughout the holiday season here and make sure that people are toeing the line,” he said.