By Garrett Christensen on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News
LA GRANDE – (Release from La Grande School District) La Grande School District will continue to provide FREE breakfast and lunch to all district students for the 22-23 school year. The meals are available at all schools without the need for parents to complete any paperwork.
The district is providing the meals for the second year through CEP, Community Eligibility Provision. According to Michelle Glover, Business Director at LGSD, the district qualified for the program before the pandemic based on the percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch.
During the 21-22 school year, free meals were provided through pandemic-relief programs, but it was year one of CEP, which Glover said the district had to use last year. The good news, however, is that CEP is for a total of four years, so two years remain after this one. “Especially considering recent rises in food prices, we are pleased that the district can continue to provide free meals for all our students, because children having consistent nutrition contributes to student success in classrooms,” Glover said.
For questions about free meals, please contact your child’s school.