La Grande Police Department collects over 61 pounds of prescription medications during the annual Fall Drug Take Back 

LA GRANDE โ€“ On Saturday, October 26, the La Grande police department collected a total of 61.2 pounds of unused and expired medications from the community as part of its annual fall drug take-back day in the La Grande Safeway parking lot. Coinciding with the Drug Enforcement Administrationโ€™s (DEA) National Drug Take Back Day, the goal was to collect unused, expired, or otherwise unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications for safe disposal.

Over the past seven years, the LGPD has gathered over 949 pounds of medications during its drug take-back days. Combined with the year-round collections from the secure drug drop box in the police station lobby (which has been around for 11 years), the LGPD has disposed of 2,393 pounds of unwanted medications. 

All medications collected during drug take-back events and the disposal box are transferred to the DEA for safe incineration.