Update for July 29:

Fire officials on the Jones Butte Fire located two miles northwest of Elgin, Oregon have lifted all evacuation levels in their entirety late this afternoon. 

The fire, which was last mapped at 111 acres in size is now reported at 50% containment as of 5:00 p.m. today.  Crews are continuing mop up operations.  One engine will remain in place overnight.  The remaining crews and other resources will be released by 8:00 p.m.  There were no structures lost in this fire.  The Type 4 team has been led by Incident Commander Travis Lowe.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.  

Citizens are asked to adhere to all fire regulationswhich can be found at

Additional information on the Jones Butte Fire is available at

Update from ODF as of 6:30 P.M. July 28:

Crews were successful in holding the Jones Butte Fire within established control lines today. 

The fire was mapped at 111 acres and is 20% contained at 6:00 pm today

Crews, engines and tenders continued to work today to strengthen fireline and mop up spot fires outside of the main fire. 

The fire has hose entirely around the fire and mop-up on the main fire has started.

Fuels along the northwestern edge of the fire flared up this afternoon, and helicopter support was used to help cool those areas down. A drone is being used to search for hot areas along the control line.

Currently on the fire are 6 engines, 3 water tenders, 2 dozers, 5 handcrews and 2 Division supervisors.

Two  2 engines will remain overnight. The remaining crews, tenders and other resources will be released by 2300.

As of 6:00 pm, the evacuation levels remain the same as this morning.

Please see the Union County Emergency Services website or Facebook page for the most recent evacuation information.



Update from Emergency Management as of 9:30 A.M., July 28:

The evacuation zones issued yesterday for the Jones Butte Fire located two miles NW of Elgin have been downgraded one level as follows:

The Level 3 Evacuation Notices have been downgraded to a Level 2 for the following areas:

South side of Gordon creek between Valley View Road and Middle Road; East side of Valley South to 71357 Valley View Road; West side of Middle Road from Gordon Creek Road intersection to 71332 Middle Road.

The Level 2 Evacuation Notices has been downgraded to a Level 1 for the following areas:

Valley View Road north of 70942 Valley View Road; Middle Road north of 70936 Middle Road; Gordon Creek Road from Palmer Junction to 73078 Gordon Creek Road; all of Darr Road.

The fire remained at approximately 115 acres overnight. Fire crews were able to lay a hose line around the fire perimeter and conducted mop up operations. Interior burning continues.

Resources on the fire remain at a total of 60-80 personal which includes two 20-person crews and seven engines.


Update from Emergency Management as of 7:35pm: on the Jones Butte Fire, located two miles NW of Elgin, Oregon.

There are currently approximately 60-80 individuals actively engaged in suppressing the Jones Butte Fire with additional expected to arrive. Fire crews on scene include Oregon Department of Forestry, plus Elgin, Imbler and La Grande Rural Fire Departments, the City of La Grande Fire Department, and others.

The fire is currently estimated to be 115 acres in size.

The Level 2 and 3 evacuation notices currently in place are being maintained out of an abundance of caution, and at this time fire officials do not anticipate any changes to these notices over the next 24 hour period.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Additional information can be found at

Update from ODF of 7:05 P.M.

Estimated perimeter – an estimate of 115 acres

Initial attack Crews have made good progress and have containment around most of the fire

Air Resources have been released

ODF, USFS, Elgin Rural FPD, La Grande Rural, Imbler Rural remain on scene but resources are starting to be released back to their home units

Crews will continue to work on the fire overnight and will complete hand lines and start on mop-up tomorrow

Additional resources including the Eastern Oregon Task Force and the Umatilla Type 2 IA crew and Eagle Cap Contracting will be on the fire tomorrow

Update as of 5:50pm:
•A Level 2 Evacuation Notice has been issued for the following areas:
Valley View Rd N of 70942 Valley View Rd; Middle Rd N of 70936 Middle Rd; Gordon Ck Rd from Palmer Jct to 73078 Gordon Cr Rd; all of Darr Road.
•A level 3 Evacuation Notice has been issued for the following areas:
South side of Gordon creek between Valley View Road and Middle Road.
East side of Valley South to 71357 Valley View Road.
West side of Middle Road from Gordon Creek Road intersection to 71332 Middle Road.

Update from ODF
Jones Butte Fire located 2 miles NW of Elgin. Approx. 80 acres. #NEODistrict resources are on scene. Please give firefighters and equipment room to work! #FireYear2023 #JonesButteFire Evacuations in place see below.

new evacuation map from ODF


Update as of 4:16 pm: From Emergency Services

A level 3 Evacuation Notice has been issued for the following areas:

South side of Gordon creek between Valley View Road and Middle Road.

East side of Valley South to 71357 Valley View Road.

West side of Middle Road from Gordon Creek Road intersection to 71332 Middle Road.

UPDATE – 4:00PM: OTEC’s outage map shows 148 customers are out in the area of the fire. It’s unknown if the outage is related to the fire.

UPDATE – 3:25PM: According to the Oregon Department of Forestry, the fire is burning 10 acres and growing. ODF is sending an air tanker and several bulldozers to assist.

PREVIOUS: Elgin – We are getting reports of a fast moving field fire that is threatening structures outside of Elgin. The fire was reported at Valley View Road and Gordon Creek Road and is now moving south. Multiple agencies are responding. Please stay out of the area. We will update this post as we receive more information.

Photo by: Nick Vora