John Shull named Wallowa County Search and Rescue member of the year

WALLOWA COUNTY – County Search and Rescue teams, though overseen by their respective sheriff’s offices, are still largely volunteer organizations. From the responders that head into the wilderness looking for persons in distress, to the technicians and clerks that keep the organizations running smoothly, every member of a local SAR team is sacrificing their time, and in some cases safety, on their own volition entirely for their communities.

Recently, Wallowa County Search and Rescue recognized one of its most invaluable members, with Wallowa County Sheriff Ryan Moody officially naming John Shull as WCSAR member of the year for 2023. In a social media announcement for Shull’s recognition, WCSAR wrote the following:

“John wears many hats in his involvement with WCSAR: He is our vehicle team lead and works tirelessly to ensure our rolling stock and related equipment are operating efficiently and effectively.  He is an assistant Incident Commander and has spent many weekends in various trainings in order to fill that role.  He is a member of our mechanized winter team, and trains and responds regularly in that role. He engages in community outreach and public training on behalf of WCSAR.

These are just a few of the activities John participates into the benefit of WCSAR and Wallowa County. We appreciate John’s commitment and energy and are pleased to recognize him as our Member of the Year.  Thank you, John.”