It’s audit time for PDC, PCC

By on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Pendleton Development Commission meets at 6 p.m. today (Tuesday), immediately followed by a meeting of the Pendleton City Council. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. The members will not be present in council chambers.

One item is on both agendas: receiving the annual audit report from Dickey-Tremper. The council agenda also calls for consideration of a corrective action plan for the audit. Both audits are available online as agenda attachments at

The PDC will consider approving upper story and façade grants for developer Al Plute’s plan to develop 12 apartments upstairs at the old Odd Fellows building at the corner of Dorion and Main. The plan includes tearing down the stucco to restore or preserve the windows and decorative brickwork that as covered. It’s expected to be finished by the end of 2022.

The commissioners will also consider establishing a credit line with Banner Bank. It would allow the PDC to borrow as much as $10 million, which is repaid by tax increment funding.

The Pendleton City Council meeting will begin at approximately 7 p.m. It features two public hearings and a vote on allowing a private business to operate an electric scooter rental service in Pendleton. The council is considering staff-proposed rules that would address possible issues of misuse of the vehicles, as well as changes to park rules.

The council is scheduled to award McCormack Construction the bid to remodel the terminal at Eastern Oregon Regional Airport. The renovation is funded by CARES Act funding. Bid awards for several street projects on tap this summer will also be approved.

The Zoom meeting ID is 893 2593 8009 and the pass code is 874133.