Inslee signs gun control, K-12 bills

By on Thursday, March 24th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

OLYMPIA – Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Wednesday held two separate bill-signing events. In the morning, he held an in-person event to sign a package of gun control bills, then later in the day he held a virtual event to sign K-12 education bills.

The governor signed a package of three bills aimed at, in his terms, reducing gun violence.

House Bill 1630 restricts firearms in certain locations such as school board meetings, city council meetings, and election offices. Inslee’s office said this legislation better ensures people feel safe and are free from intimidation when trying to participate in civic activities.

HB 1705 addresses the rise of untraceable homemade ghost guns in communities. The legislation allows hobbyists to continue making guns at home but requires the use of components with serial numbers.

Senate Bill 5078 bans large-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. According to Inslee’s office, such weapons are frequently used in mass shooting events. This bill was requested by Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

During the K-12 bill-signing event Inslee approved measures that provide more staff in schools to support students; more opportunities for outdoor learning; more language access; an electronic option for the submission of household income information required for participation in school meals and programs; a school seismic safety grant program; enrollment stabilization funding to address enrollment declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and additional opportunities for individuals retired from the public employees retirement system, the teachers retirement system, and the school employees retirement system to work for a school district for up to 1,040 hours per school year while in receipt of pension benefits until July 1, 2025.