In preparation for Shop with a Cop, Walmart manager Tina Bardwell shares what she’s excited for

By on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – The La Grande Police Department’s 15th annual Shop with a Cop is less than two weeks away. This year, 15 students from the La Grande School District will get to spend a day Christmas shopping for their families with the help of law enforcement volunteers. Of course, plenty of non-law enforcement volunteers, both Walmart employees and local community members, are also present to help make the day a fun and memorable experience for every kid involved. In anticipation of this year’s Shop with a Cop, Walmart Manager Tina Bardwell (left) shared some of her experiences helping with the program and what she’s looking forward to this year.

Bardwell, in cooperation with LGPD Lieutenant Jason Hays, has been assisting with the program for the past several years, each one seemingly more joyous than the last. Every year, Bardwell dedicates one register to serve the Shop with a Cop kids, decorating it appropriately to, as she put it, “bring a little more magic into the season and the day for them.” Bardwell further described what it’s like to help the kids check out, painting an appropriately cheery image:

“This program has become so special to me. I look forward to this every year. For me I love to see these kids. They come in so excited to buy gifts for themselves and their siblings. They get to spend hours with an Officer, Deputy, State Patrol Officer, and that is exciting for them as well. As I ring through their items, I ask them who they are for and the excitement in their voice as they share with me is absolutely magical. These kids are so excited about the things they get.”

While the day is mostly about the kids getting to shop for their families and spending some time with members of their local law enforcement, they do get a few gifts of their own. The volunteers often prepare backpacks full of goodies for the kids, with the Walmart staff sending them home with new winter coats and gloves as well. The kids can also look forward to putting together gingerbread houses that will be displayed across the store until Christmas Eve.

Between the efforts of officers, deputies, troopers, Walmart staff and other volunteers, the 15th annual Shop with a Cop is shaping up to be a memorable one. If the overwhelming joy and positivity radiating off the event wasn’t already glaringly apparent, then Bardwell sums it up best:

“Christmas is a favorite for me, I love decorating and trying to bring magic into the holiday and to me, kids bring that magic. So, the feeling in the store when these kids and law enforcement officers are in there shopping is overwhelmingly magical.”

Shop with a Cop is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 14.