Imbler School District Announces 2023-2024 School Calendar, Including Four-day Weeks

IMBLER โ€“ At the latest board meeting, the Imbler School District approved the 2023-2024 calendar. As stated in the announcement, โ€œthis calendar reflects the change to the four-day week for the upcoming year and will be different from the calendars in the past.โ€

The 2023-24 year will begin on August 21 for junior high and high school students and on August 22 for elementary students. The second Friday of every month will be reserved as an enrichment/intervention day from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., with the exception of October 2023 (no enrichment day) and May 2024 (enrichment day on the first Friday instead).   To view the full calendar, visit 2023-2024 School Calendar | Imbler Schools