HSD parents can skip buying school supplies

By on Thursday, June 24th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Oregon Department of Education is expected to issue guidelines for the new school year any day now. As administrators wait to plan once the guidelines are out, Hermiston School District Superintendent Tricia Mooney said that there’s one thing her parents won’t have to worry about – school supplies.

“We’re in a spot with some of the grants that came in this year to be able to look at our school supplies and say these are the things that we know students need and we’re going to be able to supply those,” she said.

All the parents need to get are backpacks, and lunch containers if their children bring their lunches.

“As far as pencils, papers, rulers, all of those pieces; the district will be purchasing those and supplying those to our students,” she said. “Parents will not need to do back to school supply shopping.”