How to stay healthy in the heat

By on Thursday, July 1st, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

WALLA WALLA – In light of the heat wave, the city of Walla Walla is addressing some common heat-related concerns and questions. Public Works Communications Coordinator Shane Prudente said the first concern is related to the drought and whether the city has enough water.

“Walla Walla has an ample supply of water for city use. We’ve been replacing leaking water lines and recharging our deep basalt aquifers, which combined with a healthy snowpack, gives Walla Walla residents a significant source and reserve of water. We are currently tapping into only 60 percent of the volume available on a daily basis,” Prudente wrote in a news release.

As for concerns about conserving water, Prudente wrote residents should fix leaks in plumbing and sprinkler systems, plus refrain from any non-essential water use.

“While conservation is always a good idea, keeping the landscape properly irrigated during these hot, dry months also helps with fire suppression,” he added.

On the elevated risk of fire because of drought conditions couple with extreme heat, Prudente stated that reducing the risk of fire includes forgoing fireworks at home, make sure barbecue areas are clear of debris and combustibles, disposing of smoking materials properly, and keeping grass trimmed.

Prudente added the city’s commercial sanitation trucks are starting their operations at 3 a.m. to avoid working during the hottest times of the day.

“Several other city crews/contractors that work in the outdoors will begin their work at 5 a.m.,” he wrote.  “This will be a temporary change, only in effect until temperatures return to normal.”