Home Defensible Space Tips from the Oregon State Fire Marshal

EASTERN OREGON โ€“ (Information from the Oregon State Fire Marshal) Fire season is right around the corner and here are some fire safety tips from our state fire marshal: 

  • Clear as much debris as possible from your roof or balcony. This includes your gutters, chimneys and any other objects on rooftops.
  • Remember that any brush, trees or shrubs can become a fire hazard. Make sure to trim long branches and bushy shrubs. Ensure your tree limbs are not touching anything flammable including houses, garages, or sheds.
  • If you work with wood in or around your property, remember to remove any dust or wood shavings that may have accumulated. A fire could ignite from chips touching a heated surface, so keeping your home clean could prevent a blaze. 
  •  If you have a deck, chairs, swings or other decorations and furniture, remember they are often flammable. If necessary, remove wooden lawn chairs or decorative materials when not directly in use and keep heat sources away from where youโ€™re sitting.
  • While some plants cause fire hazards, others lower your chances of fires spreading. Proper lawn care and watering habits could save you and your property.
  • Although fences are a great way to ward off animals from entering your property, they can just add fuel to a wildfire. Give ample space from vegetation that could cause fires to spread dangerously fast.
  • Keep your lawn short, green and clear of debris to serve as an additional buffer in the event of a fire.

(Article written by Elkhorn Media Group writing intern Clinton Tarvin)