Hines Police Chief reflects on the increase in thefts/burglaries

By on Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

HINES – Thieves and burglars have been staying active in Harney County, according to Hines Chief of Police Ryan Delange. The Chief was on Harney County Live recently and noted the recent uptick in burglaries and thefts, and especially vehicle prowls. He advises folks to keep their belongings secure:

“Definitely do not leave any valuable stuff in your vehicle outside. It seems like that’s what they hit first. That includes if you have a pickup, don’t have anything in the back—gas cans, saws, anything like that—at least make it a little harder for people to get to.”

Folks are asked to report any suspicious activity into local law enforcement.

(Photo courtesy of Hines Police Dept.)