High speed chase reaches speeds of 135 mph

Harney County-Just after 5:00 PM on June 28, 2023, Harney County Dispatch received a reckless driving complaint. The driver of an Audi was passing unsafely, speeding, and forcing other cars off the road near milepost 160. Local law enforcement responded and attempted to catch up to the vehicle, who reached speeds of 117 mph just outside of Burns. The vehicle went through the Burns Paiute reservation, taking Radar Hill Road, down the Hines Logging Road, back to Highway 20. Law enforcement continued the pursuit, eventually terminating the active pursuit due to dangerous speeds over 135 mph. Law enforcement then slack pursued to Riley with the Audi turning to head south. The call was forwarded to Lake and Deschutes Counties.

The owner of the vehicle was contacted by Roseburg Police who learned that the vehicle was stolen.

Responding agencies included: Hines Police Department, Burns Police Department, Harney County Sheriffโ€™s Office, and Oregon State Police