Health Department and EOC projects receive federal funding

By on Monday, August 1st, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

GRANT COUNTY – A total of 111 critical need projects in Oregon were included in the FY23 Senate Appropriations federal funding bills. Of those, we mentioned that the City of Prairie City will be receiving $602,000 for improvements on the town’s water system.

Prairie City Mayor and County Commissioner Jim Hamsher said there are also monies coming in to help fund a couple of county projects as well:

“The Health Department—Community Counseling Solutions—also got a pretty good chunk of money to remodel some down there and add some additional space, I think $1.25 million.

Also, we’re going to be getting $299,000 to remodel the old Road Department building for our Emergency Operations Center up there.”

Next up, the Senate bills will need to be coupled with House of Representatives legislation. That’s a process that’s expected to happen later in the year.