Heading out to the water? Be cautious of the Minam Roller Rapid

MINAM- If you are planning on heading out to the Wallowa Wild & Scenic River, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wants you to remember to be cautious of the Minam Roller Rapid.

According to BLM, โ€œThe Minam Roller Rapid is located approximately 1.5 miles downstream from Minam and may be hazardous to boaters at higher river levels. This rapid develops as river levels increase and is capable of flipping boats at higher river flows.โ€

In an announcement from BLM it was noted that โ€œwhen river levels are low, this specific rapid is barely noticeable. But when theyโ€™re high, like they are currently, the Minam Roller can flip boats!

No matter how many times youโ€™ve traveled a river, you should always be prepared for changes in conditions, said Kevin, one of our recreation rangers.

โ€œWhen in doubt, stop and scout. Just because a rapid was a certain way the last time you saw it, does not mean it will be the same on your next trip.โ€

The Wallowa and the Grande Ronde are managed as one river corridor. The rapids on both rivers are rated Class II-III, depending on the river flow. Boaters are required to obtain a free, self-issue river permit available at primary river access points, including Minam, Oregon.โ€

Learn more at https://www.blm.gov/visit/wallowa-grande-ronde-wild-and-scenic-rivers?fbclid=IwAR0QzNzYvOaZoBOj-JcPREV0sAOSRphFxnKGIKZ3Z9N3mXY94aM9wHQUi-o

A video is available at  https://www.facebook.com/BLMOregonAndWashington/videos/955900608793469

From Kevin Hoskins, BLM Recreation Ranger, of the Minam Roller Rapid on the Wallowa Wild & and Scenic River