Harney County resident sentenced to 25 years in prison for sex abuse crimes

By on Thursday, January 4th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

Harney County (Released by the Harney County District Attorney)-On January 2, 2024, Randy Gibson, age 52, was sentenced to 300 months in prison after being convicted of Unlawful Sexual Penetration in the First Degree and Sex Abuse in the First Degree. The crimes represent repeated sexual assault of a child under 12 and continuing until she was 14.

The abuse came to light when a Harney County school official became aware of students sending explicit photos via Instagram to an individual claiming to be a 14-year-old male in Texas. Former School Resource Officer Deputy Tanner Bennett responded to investigate the matter. While reviewing
messages, Deputy Bennett observed disconcerting messages authored by the victim indicating abuse perpetrated by her stepfather.

Deputy Bennett and Harney County Deputy Robby Tiller conducted interviews with the mother and victim. The victim’s mother was aware GIBSON is a registered sex offender and previously served time in prison for convictions in Harney and Malheur Counties in 2006. During the minimal facts interview, the victim made statements indicating multiple years of sexual abuse. With these statements, the deputies utilized forensic interviewers at KIDS Center in Bend, OR where the victim disclosed further details of the abuse which occurred numerous times for over two years.

Oregon State Police Detective Damian Acosta was requested to provide assistance. During Detective Acosta’s interview of Gibson, Gibson admitted the abuse and described acts committed against the victim.

Harney County District Attorney Ryan Hughes prosecuted the case. A Harney County Grand Jury indicted GIBSON on twenty-six charges; including multiple counts of sexual penetration and sexual abuse, Luring a Minor and Private Indecency.

GIBSON plead guilty to Unlawful Sexual Penetration in the First Degree and Sex Abuse in the First Degree. Corresponding Measure 11 sentences of 300 months and 75 months were ordered to run concurrent with lifetime post-prison supervision.

District Attorney Hughes commends the victim for her bravery to disclose and throughout the legal process. Further, the joint efforts of the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, KIDS Center and Oregon State
Police are commendable.