Harney County Fair Board considering an earlier date for fair

By on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

BURNS – (Release from the Harney County Fair Board)

The Harney County Fair Board is requesting public input regarding the dates of the 2025 Harney County Fair. For several years, the fair board has considered the pros and cons of having the Harney County Fair during a different time of year. Moving the fair to an earlier time of year would allow for the following:

● Fair would be completed prior to students starting school, resulting in less absences during the fair week and easier preparation for the start of school and improving the learning environment of all students as well as help families transition from summer to school schedules.

● High school students would not be pressured or required to pick between having a fair project, working, volunteering, and/or participating in rodeo activities and having to uphold their commitments to school and athletic sports practices, games, etc. They could have their fair obligations over prior to the school year starting.

● Harney County exhibitors could qualify for the State Fair and showcase their projects at the State fair. As it is currently held, the Harney County Fair is held after the State Fair (end of August) thus resulting in difficulties for meeting qualification deadlines for the current year. Equine and dog events currently take place prior to the fair for this reason.

● Moving the fair up could allow for the opportunity to get a more sustainable rodeo, increase entries, sponsorship, and association partnerships for the rodeo.

● Moving the fair date up could possibly allow for the opportunity to have a carnival, better attractions and performers, and more robust vendors.

The fair board understands it would be extremely difficult to find a date that will work for everyone, however, please complete the survey attached so the board can get a general consensus on a date that works best for the community. The survey below needs to be completed by November 1, 2023.

Link to the Survey : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JMDW55R