By Mindy Gould on Thursday, February 29th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon Top Stories
Harney County-Harney County Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) is offering a “Grasshoppers! Past problems with Grasshoppers?” discussion.
Join the Harney Cooperative Weed Management Area as they discuss Grasshopper Survey, This will teach you how to survey for grasshoppers. Grasshopper life cycle, identify changes in grasshopper growth in order to maximize the effect of control measure. Grasshopper control methods, products and strategies in controlling grasshopper infestations. Mormon Crickets, Special consideration for dealing with this similar pest species. Lastly, Funding Assistance, different agencies will be sharing funding assistances for grasshoppers and other programs.
This discussion will be held Tuesday, March 19, 2024, starting at 10am at the Steens Conference Room at the Burns BLM Office, 28910 HWY 20 West, Hines, Or 97738. Lunch will be provided.