Hansell will sponsor a statewide illegal grow bill

By on Monday, December 20th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

ATHENA – The special session of the Oregon Legislature last week included emergency funds to help Southern Oregon law enforcement combat a rash of illegal marijuana grows. Sen. Bill Hansell will introduce a bill that would address the problem on a state-wide basis when the legislature convenes in 2022.

“If we don’t get it under control in Jackson and Josephine counties, it’s just a matter of time before it’ll spread,” he said. “One of my bills in the short session is going to be a larger, more inclusive package on the cannabis issue that we’re facing.”

Hansell said the illegal grows are a threat to the state in many ways.

“They’re literally draining rivers and irrigation canals,” he said. “They’ve got illegal immigrants in there working creating huge social, political, and law enforcement issues.”

The illegal grows are generating billions of dollars in profits and law enforcement officials say they are financed by foreign criminal gangs and drug cartels.