Grant County: Helping recoup loss in wages

By on Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

CANYON CITY – The Grant County Court met Wednesday morning. Grant County Commissioner Jim Hamsher discussed part of the county’s Economic Impact Payment, totaling over 4 million dollars. Commissioner Hamsher proposed part of that funding go toward reimbursing full-time General Fund employees who had their hours involuntarily reduced last summer due to budget shortfalls:

“What I’d propose—have that 90-day period that their wages were reduced broke[n] down per-day, and that way if an employee was a new hire, they would get it per how many days they were affected. Kind of recoup for the loss of that 8-hours-a-week.”

General Fund full-time employees were reduced to 32 hours per week at the beginning of the fiscal year, and have since gone back to full time. Commissioners Hamsher and Palmer both voted in favor of the proposal, which became a motion and passed. Judge Myers recused himself from voting, as his wages are affected by the decision.