Governor supportive of housing plans

By on Friday, May 5th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – Gov. Tina Kotek visited Umatilla County yesterday. One of the issues she zeroed in on was the housing shortage in the city of Pendleton and the plan to expand its urban growth boundary to allow more housing development.

“I’m supportive of the urban growth boundary project that the city has underway,” Kotek said. “I know we’re still waiting to get final approval to do some of that, but I’m totally supportive of that.”

Kotek said that the state needs to add 36,000 housing units a year for the next decade in order to have enough housing. She thinks programs like the expansion of the urban growth boundary show imagination in reaching that accomplishment.

“We will not have the communities we want if we don’t have enough housing for everyone,” she said. “That’s low-income housing, workforce housing, getting people into home ownership. We need all of it so our communities can thrive. I’m really pleased with the work Pendleton is doing and I will be as supportive as I possibly can.”

Photo via the Oregon Governor’s Office of Gov. Kotek and local representatives meeting at Wildflower Apartments being built in Pendleton.