Fritsch urges adults not to vilify children

By on Monday, April 18th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – Pendleton School Superintendent Chris Fritsch says a relatively small number of parents with faulty information are making posts on social media regarding problems at Sunridge Middle School. One of the most frequent statements is that nothing is being done. Fritsch said that’s not true. The school, district, and law enforcement are taking action, but the district does not make disciplinary actions public.

“If parents have concerns directly associated with their student, we can talk with parents,” Fritsch said. “The challenge will be we can’t talk to them about other students.”

Fritsch said the biggest frustration comes when people take to social media to post about things when they aren’t in possession of the whole story.

“I don’t know if it’s ever right to vilify someone else’s child,” he said. “If someone’s broken the law, you need to let the legal system take its course. If someone’s broken a school policy, you need to let the administration determine the facts of the case and administer the appropriate punishment.”

Fritsch said that those who are troubled by the reports should contact the school.