Free youth pheasant hunts set for September across Eastern Oregon

By on Monday, August 19th, 2024 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

EASTERN OREGON โ€” The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is offering free youth pheasant hunts throughout the state this September, including several events in Eastern Oregon. These hunts are open to young hunters aged 17 and under who have completed hunter education by the time of the event.

In Eastern Oregon, hunts will be held in the following locations:

  • John Day Valley (Prairie City) on private lands, September 14-15
  • La Grande at Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area, September 14-15
  • Madras on private lands, September 14-15
  • Pendleton/Umatilla area at Irrigon Wildlife Area, September 21

The ODFW and its partners will stock pheasants at these events, giving youth hunters a head start on the regular pheasant season. Some events will feature volunteers with trained hunting dogs, and certain locations will also offer a shooting skills session before the hunt.

ODFW recommends youth register in advance for most events, but walk-ins are also welcome if space allows, see the youth pheasant hunts page for more details. Register by logging in to the youthโ€™s account atโ€ฏMyODFWโ€™s Licensing page. Then go to Purchase from the Catalog and look under the Category/ Class/Workshop / Outdoor Skills. Final details about the event will be emailed to the address within the account. 

While the hunts are free, participants must have a valid hunting license, which costs $10 for youth aged 12 and older and is free for those 11 and under. Youth hunters aged 12-17 also need an upland game bird validation, which costs $4. These must be purchased in advance either online or at a license sales agent, as licenses and validations will not be available at the events.

For additional information, refer to pages 26-27 of the Oregon Game Bird Regulations or visit the ODFW website.