Free breakfast for Baker County children thanks to $15,000 grant

BAKER COUNTY โ€“ The Baker County YMCA has announced that they have been awarded $15,000 from the Nourishing Neighbors Grant. 

According to Baker County YMCA, โ€œthe grant will be used to provide free breakfast for all children in the Baker County Community.โ€

Information from Baker County YMCA notes that โ€œFor over 50 years your local Baker County YMCA has served faithfully children, youth and families in the Baker County area. We are a cause-driven organization that believes a strong community can best be achieved when we invest in our youth, our health and our neighborhoods.โ€

Starting today, June 12 pickup is available at the following times and location.

M-F 8am-11am YMCA Fitness Center Kid Zone

M-T 10am-11am Sam-O-Swim Center

M-F 9am-11am Geiser Pollman Park

According to Albertsons Companies, the โ€œNourishing Neighbors is an Albertsons Companies Foundation charitable program which raises awareness and funds to end hunger in our communities. Since the programโ€™s inception in 2014, Nourishing Neighbors (formerly Hunger Is) has raised more than $200 million to ensure our neighbors have the nutrition needed to thrive.โ€