Forest Service still seeking feedback on forest plans revisions. Union County responds

UNION COUNTY – As part of its ongoing process to overhaul forest and old growth management plans across the nation, the U.S. Forest Service is still requesting public feedback. Locally, the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision Team, which represents the forest management plan for the Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa Whitman National Forests, is specifically asking for public comment on its “Preliminary Need to Change” document now through November 7 as part of an informal feedback period. In a recent press release, the Blue Mountains team wrote the following:

“Feedback will help the Forest Service refine the framework for the development of the forest plan. Public input can be provided by recommending feedback or edits to the draft Preliminary Need to Change statements or identifying other needed changes to the current 1990 Forest Plans. To read the draft Preliminary Need to Change, please visit:…/folder/208417236164.

Informal feedback will be accepted through physical mail or through the online database, CARA,

Umatilla National Forest Supervisor’s Office

Attn: Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision

72510 Coyote Road

Pendleton, OR 97801

The Final Assessment, a rapid evaluation of ecological, economic, and social conditions and trends within the plan area provides a foundation of information that helped to identify the need to change specific management direction in the 1990 forest plans. The Blue Mountains are still in the Assessment Phase of the land management planning process.

To learn more about the planning process, what a forest plan is, and future public engagement opportunities, visit:

The Forest Service welcomes any input the public would like to submit regarding the draft Preliminary Need to Change document.

For any questions, email us at or call 541-278-3716.

Stay tuned for additional updates on the Forest Plan Revision process, including future engagement opportunities.”

It’s not just the general public responding to the overhaul of the state’s (and indeed the country’s) forest plans. Last month, Union County Commissioner Paul Andere’s sent a letter (with approval from Commissioners Donna Beverage and Mathew Scarfo) to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Valsack expressing the county’s wish to be directly consulted/involved in any changes to forest management plans that may impact Union County, as well as raising concerns over prior public input being disregarded. The letter in full can be read below: