Forest Service Road Closure in Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Closed

By on Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

BAKER CITY – Now through Friday, Aug 4, Forest Service Road 7015 (Empire Gulch), just west of Eagle Creek, on the Whitman Ranger District, will be inaccessible to general traffic weekdays from 5:00 am to 6:00 pm. This is due to a safety concern involving active timber sale operations uphill from the road. Falling rocks, trees, and debris can put visitors at risk. The road will be open all day during the weekend and between 6:00 pm to 5:00 am on weekdays. If you plan on traveling the roads near Eagle Creek, an alternate road has been identified that will bypass the affected area: FS Road 7020 (Torchlight), located North and West of FS Road 7015, will allow travelers to access Eagle Creek. (Map pending) FS 67 (Big Creek), just East of Medical Springs, is also a popular road that reaches Eagle Creek. Travelers are advised to plan accordingly when visiting parts of the Forest affected by the operations. For additional information, please call the Whitman Ranger District Office at 541-523-6391.