Flour mill road closure will impact Round-Up

By on Thursday, September 8th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The closure of Southeast Emigrant Avenue in Pendleton due to the flour mill fire is impacting the two parades for the Pendleton Round-Up. Emigrant is normally a way for police to route traffic while the parades travel via Dorion and Court avenues. The Main Street Cowboys Dress-Up Parade Saturday morning will be shorter while the Westward Ho! Parade will not change.

“The Main Street Cowboys decided to cut their route off short a little bit and take it down Main Street,” Police Chief Chuck Byram said. “I know the people in the 200 block and 300 block of Main Street are really excited about it.”

Byram said this will impact the families who traditionally gather on the southeast side of town to watch the parade, but the new route is only for this year.

“We have to be able to cut traffic off of Court and onto Emigrant, and the only way to do that is about Third or Fourth Street Southeast,” he said.

As for the Westward Ho! Parade on Sept. 16, Byram said the Round-Up will keep the same parade route and is paying to achieve a different way for motorists to travel through town.

“They petitioned ODOT, paid the fees, and paid for personnel to detour traffic at the Third Street interchange at Southeast Court, push everything up the interchange and either you can take Main over and then go down Southeast Third Street to Emigrant Avenue or you can go all the way up the 210 on ramp and get on the freeway and get down to 209,” he said.

Byram said that detour will be signed and staffed by the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Dress-Up Parade photo courtesy of Main Street Cowboys