Flood and Windy Condition Safety Reminder from OEM

By on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

OREGON – (Information from the Oregon Department of Emergency Management) It’s finally springtime, which means rainwater and snowmelt are going to cause their own set of issues. With highwater conditions being reported in some areas of Grant and Harney counties, it’s as good a time as any to brush up on safety tips for driving through wind and highwater areas, courtesy of the Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM):

Flood and highwater safety reminders:

  • 6 inches (depth) of fast-moving water are strong enough to knock over or completely carry away the average adult. 
  • 12 inches of fast-moving water are strong enough to move or completely carry away smaller vehicles.
  • 18-24 inches of fast-moving water are strong enough to move or completely carry away larger vehicles such as SUV’s and commercial trucks.
  • Remember that floodwater is often deeper than it appears and contains many hazards under the surface. Avoid flood routes if it all possible and, if forced to travel through an area experiencing flooding, take it slow, watch for debris and do not take chances when unable to confirm depth. 

High wind safety reminders:

  • Maintain a safe distance from high profile vehicles such as tractor trailers.
  • Keep a firm grip on the wheel with both hands at all times.
  • Watch for fallen or currently falling debris such as trees and powerlines. 
  • Use extreme caution when driving on bridges and overpasses and prepare for wind gusts.