Fire restrictions are on the rise once more for the Burns BLM Dristrict

By on Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

HARNEY COUNTY (Released by the Burns Interagency Fire Zone)-Major change since July 3: NO OPEN FIRES on public lands managed by the BLM Burns District or U.S. Forest Serviceโ€™s Emigrant Creek Range District of the Malheur National Forest. Campfires are ONLY allowed in existing fire rings at the following developed campgrounds: Buck Spring, Delintment, Emigrant, Falls, Idlewild, Joaquin Miller, Rock Springs, Tip Top, Jackman Park, and Fish Lake.

HAVE YOU NOTICED ITโ€™S HOT AND DRY OUT THERE? Oh, and if youโ€™ve been hiding under a rock, itโ€™s also GENERALLY A BIT WINDYโ€ฆ all top conditions for easily started and fast-growing wildfires!

Practice extreme caution when outdoors this summer. If a fire starts right now, we could be in for a serious doozy.

Fire information: 541-573-4519