By Garrett Christensen on Friday, June 16th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News
LA GRANDE โ (Release from the Oregon Department of Transportation) We are hosting an online open to share plans to improve safety on Morgan Lake Road in Union County.
Morgan Lake Road serves residents and provides the only public access to Morgan Lake. The two-mile gravel road is steep and narrow with numerous blind corners. To improve safety, we will widen sections of the road, add new or replace old guardrail and remove steep road banks to open visibility around curves.
Our online open house provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the project, find out how construction may impact you and to share your comments or ask questions.
Project design is underway and will be completed in summer 2023. The project is scheduled to go out to bid in September 2023, with construction scheduled for 2024.
You can submit comments and questions by going to the online open house through June 30, 2023. Once the online open house closes, you can stay up to date through the project webpage: Morgan Lake Road Safety Improvements.