EOU’s Grand Staircase Renovation Delayed

By on Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE — Eastern Oregon University’s Grand Staircase project groundbreaking has been postponed.

EOU announced that the project will not get underway this year after initial bids from contractors were not in line with project goals. The school says it plans to realign the timeline and scope, aiming to reissue competitive bids in 2023 and complete the new staircase by late 2024. 

The original timeline for the project was to break ground this past spring with the rebuilt staircase to debut this October.

“The Grand Staircase is a beloved part of EOU and a historic piece of architecture that is appreciated by many alumni, long-time faculty and staff, friends, and supporters,” said the University in a statement. “The stairs themselves physically connect the campus and the communities we serve. We are working hard to ensure this symbolic monument is rebuilt in a timely and cost-effective manner.”

The staircase was built in 1929 but has fallen into disrepair over the past several decades.

Advocacy efforts secured $4 million from the Oregon Legislature for its renovation.