EOU’s Board of Trustees Takes Action on Presidential Search Process

By on Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – (Release from Eastern Oregon University) The Eastern Oregon University board of trustees met in special session on Monday, Sept. 26, 2022, to take action on Resolution 22-08, which establishes the presidential search process.

Board chair Cheryl Martin opened the meeting by responding, in detail, to input and comments from the EOU community.

“Conducting a search for a new president is the most important task the board and the university will take on,” Board Chair Martin said. “I am pleased that we are moving forward slowly but diligently to ensure input from the EOU community in this process.”

University General Counsel and Board Secretary Chris Burford presented three proposed changes to Resolution 22-08. In response to public comment, the membership of the search committee was made more specific, establishing the minimum number of members from various university employee groups who would participate. The board will ensure at least four faculty members, one from each college, will sit on the presidential search committee. The board will also ensure that at least one classified employee, one non-senior administrative professional, one alumni and one representative from the community at large will be represented on the committee.

“It is very exciting that we have so much feedback and engagement from the EOU community,” Trustee Bill Johnson said. “This really will help us with finding our next president.”

The resolution also specifies that either a present or former trustee can serve as committee chair. Changes were also made to allow the board the flexibility to negotiate contracts with multiple candidates, prior to selecting its finalist.

After discussion of the proposed changes, the board unanimously adopted Resolution 22-08.

“While finding EOU’s next president is the board’s top priority,” Martin said, “we will also be involved with several important initiatives like the Moonshot for Equity program, the Center for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Title III and Strong Start. We will also work to increase enrollment and keep the university fiscally sound. We do this work for our students because they are our first priority.”

The Resolution is available at eou.edu/governance/bylaws-and-statements/. The board’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Nov. 9-10.