EMS encouraged to participate in Oregon EMS Conference

BAKER CITY – EMS members across Oregon are encouraged to get registered for the annual Oregon EMS Conference.  This two-day event will be held virtually on November 5 & 6, 2021

The Oregon EMS Conference, “The Year of the Delta Variant” virtual conference is open for registration.

This two-day conference will feature an excellent line of presenters.  A list of presenters can be found at  https://oregonemsconference.wildapricot.org/page-18097

About (from https://oregonemsconference.wildapricot.org/)

Since 1974, OEMSA, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, has been and    remains Oregon’s only statewide association representing all levels of Pre-hospital EMS care providers: Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs), Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), Advanced EMTs, EMT-Intermediates, Paramedics, RNs, PAs, and Physicians. 

If you meet the legal requirements to provide pre-hospital care and/or ambulance service in Oregon, OEMSA is your organization! 

OEMSA’s Mission:

“Promote excellence in the delivery of pre-hospital medical services”

OEMSA’s Objectives:

ADVOCATE:  Advocate for EMS providers and improved patient care through research, public education, and initiation of local, state and national activities.  This may include participation in policy and legislative actions in coordination with other EMS providers and organizations.

COMMUNICATE:  Facilitate communication among EMS personnel, related regulatory agencies/organizations, and the communities we serve.EDUCATE:  Initiate and foster education of EMS providers in pre-hospital care services.