DOH prepares for round 3 of vaccinations

By on Monday, January 4th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

OLYMPIA – The Washington State Department of Health reports continued progress with distributing COVID-19 vaccines. By the end of last week, 69,349 people had received their first dose of vaccine. Second-dose allocations of the Pfizer vaccine are being distributed, and second-dose allocations o the Moderna vaccine will begin the week of Jan. 12.

All who have been vaccinated must receive two doses from the same manufacturer to obtain maximum protection. As week 3 begins the state plans on distributing 57,525 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and 44,500 of the Moderna vaccine. Of those, 43,375 doses will go to 87 sites in 26 counties. Long-term care facilities and 17 tribes and urban Indian health programs will receive 58,650 doses.

Meanwhile, Walgreens and CVS have several onsite clinics specifically for long-term care facilities as part of the federal Pharmacy Partnership Program. Vaccinations via that program are expected to begin in about three weeks.