Do you know the story of the real Smokey Bear?

BAKER CITY – Smokey the Bear has been a symbol for the U.S. Forest Service for decades and is most known for his catch phrase “Only you can prevent wildfires.”  But did you know that a real Smokey Bear was rescued from a raging wildlife in New Mexico in the spring of 1950?  

The young, 5-pound American black bear cub, who was later named “Smokey” was rescued from the embers of the fire that burned over 17,000 acres.  

Smokey was nursed back to health and later moved to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., where he lived for the next 26 years.

Photo from the U.S. Forest Service

The fictional Smokey the Bear will turn 78-years-old this coming August 2022.

If you are interested in the story of the real Smokey, you can read more at

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