Discussing houseless living on John Day city property

JOHN DAY – John Day City Manager Melissa Bethel was in KJDY Studios recently, discussing the tents, buses, and campers that have been moving in on city property next to John Day City Hall:

“The homeless, the unhoused, or camping, however you want to call it, it’s a hot topic. It’s funny, because it’s not a problem until it’s a problem. So, we can go through my little legal tutorial about what we’re doing or what we can do. I think it’s important that people know, or that the citizens understand, that we cannot kick them out at this point. We just can’t go say ‘move’ legally. And I know the [U.S.] Supreme Court came down with a ruling, but it did not change the state. It did not change our laws.”

Bethel said a series of workshops will be held by the city council to address the issue and accept public comment. Bethel said to date, there have been no reported crimes associated with those staying on the city’s property.

Listen to the full Coffee Time podcast with City Manager Melissa Bethel below: