Developer is proposing subdivision near McKay Creek

By on Thursday, May 26th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON โ€“ Developer Jim Whitney has filed a request that he be allowed to subdivide 4.92 acres at the end of Southwest Kirk Extension to create 14 residential lots. The creation of a subdivision requires the approval of the Pendleton Planning Commission, and it holds a public hearing on the request at 7 p.m. today (Thursday).

Under the proposal, the land south of Southwest Kirk Extension would be annexed into the city. Whitney wants to construct a cul-de-sac off Southwest Kirk Extension toward the ball field parking lot.

A staff study of the application pointed out that more information is required before the criteria for a subdivision are met. Those include establishing a local improvement district, flood elevations, and traffic safety.

Another public hearing on a proposed 40-lot subdivision has been delayed until June 9. The developer, Derek Barfuss, requested more time to put together the necessary information. 

The meeting is being held in council chambers of Pendleton City Hall. It can also be accessed via Zoom. The meeting ID is 883 2085 3538 and the pass code is pend97801.